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GMB ‘Join the NHS March’ demonstration in March

GMB is calling for our members to support the National ‘Join the NHS March’ demonstration, called for Saturday 4th March 2017.

The NHS march will assemble at noon, in Tavistock Square, London, WC1 (nearest tube stations Russell Square or Euston), and proceed to Parliament.

Coaches are being organised by a number of groups from the Midlands, North West, Yorkshire, the North East & South West, so that the maximum number of people can attend. See: for details.

This demonstration could not have come at a more important time, when so much is at stake for the future of our NHS.

The NHS is experiencing the sharpest and most prolonged spending squeeze in its history.

Billions of pounds of government cut-backs have brought our National Health Service to breaking point. While the head of the British Red Cross has warned that the NHS is facing a “humanitarian crisis” as a result of these cuts; the Prime Minister has attempted to scapegoat Healthcare professionals, in general, and NHS staff need our support.

GMB believes that the current funding crisis within the NHS is, first and foremost, a political crisis – born out of this government’s ideologically driven austerity policies – rather than an economic one. The plan seems to be: strip the NHS and social care services of funds and resources; ensuring that the provision of healthcare suffers; then sit back and wait while people get angry about its failings; and then brutally criticise those at work trying to keep the system afloat, before handing the NHS over (in piecemeal fashion) to private companies.

A system based on healthcare will, therefore, be replaced by a system based on nothing more than profit.

GMB believes that something can, and must, be done to stop this.

Therefore, GMB is supporting the march in order to demand:

  • An end to cut backs and the systematic underfunding of the NHS & Social Care
  • No closures of hospitals or A&E departments
  • No privatisation of the NHS
  • Support for NHS Staff

GMB also calls upon Government to ensure:

  • The end of pay restraints for NHS staff
  • A commitment to a fully-funded, publicly owned National Health & Social Care Service that recognises and supports the NHS staff.

Please join the march and stand in solidarity with all NHS Staff

Download the January 2017 Newsletter article

Posted: 23rd January 2017

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